Higher Education Chair elect: Ohio Gifted Association

Kent State University: Organization & Implementation of the gifted endorsement program

Exceptional in Two Ways Conference: Keynote for 1st Northeast Ohio 2e conference

Inquiry-based Learning Project: Purpose - to create and conduct an inquiry to determine the effectiveness of gifted services on identified gifted middle school students. A professional development presentation was developed based on data gathered from the needs assessment, teacher and student surveys, and administrator interviews. Research findings were shared with teachers and staff. A subsequent presentation was shared with student participants. This project is aligned with improving the educational conditions for school community members. 

Inquiry-based Learning Project: Purpose – to Create and conduct a professional development presentation for my school relating directly to the challenge and based on the data gathered from the needs assessment. This project is aligned with improving the educational conditions for school community members. 

Photo Voice Project (Principal interviews): Purpose to learn from principals from 4 different schools, understand the various leadership visions and how they compare with my own. http://www.projectseven.com/sparber/photo-voice-project/

Regional Leadership Conference: Purpose to organize and present a regional conference for school leaders, teachers, families, and community. As a school leader I am responsible for creating spaces in which communities come together, work together and move forward to overcome challenges to ensure I am meeting the learning, emotional, and social needs of those I serve. Presentation

Common Belief Survey – purpose to collect and analyze data in order to better understand teacher attitudes and beliefs regarding teaching and instruction of all students served within the school

Inquiry-based vision project – purpose to assess the school community’s understanding of vision, mission, and the purpose of school. http://prezi.com/b8lbmjuyo_ar/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

Equity Audit – purpose to conduct an equity audit to evaluate the effectiveness of a school in relationship to its ability to offer all students full and equal access to educational opportunities in order to improve the schooling experiences of all children – especially those from marginalized groups. https://docs.google.com/a/kent.edu/presentation/d/1EpJMjzdB6wbXGbURQE4ofA4V0v17xcFu4QUOLKQlvL8/edit?usp=sharing

Research-based Art project – purpose to create an artistic representation of a social justice position supported by research (Art Abstract). Presented at the Akron Art Museum and The Cleveland Museum of Art. 

Inquiry-based Instructional Leadership project – purpose to focus on one instructional challenge within one school/district. By working with administrators reviewing data regarding student learning, a challenge was identified. Additional data gathered to support two ways of overcoming the instructional challenge with research-based solutions. An action plan incorporating professional development was shared with supervisor and the team of school community members . 

Curriculum Audit – purpose to provide my school with a deeper understanding of the influence of board policies, decision-making, curriculum, assessments, budgets, and productivity on improving student learning. https://docs.google.com/a/smfcsd.org/presentation/d/1A3P-gLw2arj69I0VdDLIToqHZXcqhRez-i0BFYUWuZU/edit?usp=sharing

Staff Development Survey - purpose create and conduct a staff survey for teachers regarding a specific instructional program that is undergoing change

Home Visit – purpose to conduct home visits with 3 students’ families.

School-community Audit – purpose to critically assess school-community perceptions, strengths, and challenges in an effort to build bridges and strengthen school-community relations. https://docs.google.com/a/ccsdistrict.org/presentation/d/1dsTfGfRnL6hd40V4YvIYiBIq5XXkG9Nyj0FJVDcnQuw/edit?usp=sharing

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