Carol Sparber is a professor and program coordinator for the gifted endorsement program and a project coordinator at the CITE center at Kent State University. She has more than twenty years of experience as a professional in the field of gifted and special education and has presented at more than 50 local, state, national, and international conferences in areas such as differentiation, twice exceptionality, characteristics of underrepresented populations, evidence-based practices, strength-based instruction, and the social-emotional aspects of giftedness.

As a parent, teacher, advocate, and researcher of students with exceptionalities, learners with twice-exceptional needs are the focus of her research. Current inquiry interests include: strengths-based instruction, understanding social and emotional challenges, and analyzing evidence-based interventions and instructional strategies to promote positive outcomes for twice-exceptional students. Dr. Sparber is the recipient of numerous national awards for exemplary research and is a Jennings Scholar – an honor awarded for fostering the development of students with exceptionalities through creative and outstanding teaching.

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